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XLC Grips 'Sportive' GR-G05
SKU: 73969
Includes VAT
The XLC Sportive Grips GR-G05 offer good overall grip for mountain bikers looking for both comfort and grip. The napped structure of the grips helps in this regard and combines with the ergonomic design to provide optimum shock absorption – ideal for use on off-road terrain.The 130mm-long grips are made from two component materials and include a gripping surface with a gel insert which also helps with shock absorption.The XLC Sportive Grips GR-G05 will fit any flat bar with a 22mm diameter and have an open-end design for easy attachment. Bar ends and caps are provided to help secure the functional grips.The grips come in a sleek black and grey design which is sure to match your bike’s colour scheme.
Commercial weight
0 kg
Grip Type
Locking Handle
Modeljaar 2007
Product Packaging
Per Stel
Weight (g)
0 gr